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Validation of Pronto's Policies
More than 24 fortune 500 companies
High client retention
Tremendous goodwill amongst clients and vendors
Extremely low employee attrition
Unilever’s SEAC approved supplier
UNICEF’s approved vendor
SGP approved supplier for The Coca Cola Company
Nestlé Responsible Sourcing - On SEDEX
Our Philosophy
We believe, strong work ethic and faith in its employees are the cornerstones of Pronto’s value system.Following are some of Pronto’s values and beliefs which constitute its philosophy:
Doing business the right way
Honesty and integrity
Conformance to laws
Health & safety at work place
Keeping the environment clean

Worker Policies
Minimum age requirements
Hourly wages with guaranteed minimum wage
EOBI & social security
Accurate calculation of overtime
Medical benefits and allowance
Food and tea coupons
Profit sharing for all
Employee shareholding through a fund
Provident fund
Lockers and showers for workers
Secular organization

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